Official Website

The M.I.S.T.E. Foundation Inc., Logo

Phone Icon (800) 363-0766
Guiding Students in Creating 
Marketable Skills
501(c)(3) Status Organization

Teaching Valuable Skills to Help Students Thrive

Help high-risk students, military veterans and adults rediscover their passion for learning. Effective educators are an empowering presence in the lives of students. At The M.I.S.T.E Foundation, we employ only the most qualified teaching staff and education volunteers. Our staff is tasked with not only instructing our students, but encouraging them to stay involved with our program and take pride in their work.

Students Using Computer

Employment & Volunteer Opportunities

We're currently seeking full-time, part-time, and volunteer educators for our Detroit, Michigan, training programs. In addition to our teaching staff, we'll also elect three board members to oversee the organization's affairs.

Teaching staff will devise Personal Performance Plans (PPPs) to monitor the progress of our in-house students on a weekly basis. Staff will then utilize the results of these plans to help encourage participation in additional study labs, give positive feedback, and ensure satisfactory completion of all assignments in a timely manner.

Help Fund Our Educational Programs

Imagine the relief of finding a lucrative career path, when just months ago you were destitute. This discovery is a reality for many of our students. We guide high-risk youth, military veterans and adults through scientific training designed to help them find stable, profitable jobs. While we're passionate about helping our students, we can't do it alone.

Contribute to Our Students' Education

Finding education funding is extremely difficult for high-risk learners. Our programs are aimed at providing resources to those in desperate need of them. We're currently seeking monetary donations to help fund our programs.

In order to provide the best education for our students, we strive to maintain the most recent software and technology. This, along with our apprenticeship programs, is quite the expense. By contributing to our educational funds, you're helping a student build a prosperous career and a more hopeful future. All donations are tax deductible. Checks can be made payable to The M.I.S.T.E Foundation Inc. and mailed to PO Box 3550, Southfield, MI 48037.

Student Reading a Book